Selected Publications, Posters, and Presentations
Contact information: Christine A. Curcio, PhD:
The oil spill in ageing Bruch membrane
Apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins in retinal aging and
age-related macular degeneratio
Structure, function, and pathology of Bruch's membrane
Macula of Paris 2012 presentation
Aging, age-related macular degeneration, and the response-to-retention
of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins
Methods for mapping Autofluorescence in human RPE.
Awarded "Best Poster" at DOG 2013.
Packing geometry of human RPE, DOG 2013
Jackson, G. R., Curcio, C. A., Sloan, K. R., Owsley, C.,
2005. Photoreceptor degeneration in aging and age-related
maculopathy. In Macular Degeneration, P. L. Penfold, J. M. Provis,
eds. (Berlin, Springer-Verlag), pp. 45-62.
Last Modified: 27 October 2013
Kenneth Sloan